Seek consensus so that the wolf can live without prejudice to anyone» Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente. Fighting for coexistence with the wolf

Seek consensus so that the wolf can live without prejudice

Last April, the main opposition party asked Congress to repeal the order that prohibits wolf hunting anywhere in Spain without exception.

The result of the equation between ranchers and wolves, after eight months in which the canis lupus became a protected species, it has become substantially complicated (and what I will haunt you, brunette).

The coexistence between the wolf, of unquestionable natural value, and livestock activity has always been very complicated. Year after year hundreds of attacks are recorded (although more than one and one must be of letters) and many farms are besieged on numerous occasions by attacks attributed to the canid. The relationship between the number of herds, the number of specimens, the management of their hunting and their coexistence with livestock, is raised to its nth degree in terms of the complexity of the problem.

The Popular Party has justified the return back of the order that measures to prevent wolf attacks and financial compensation for losses (which we all pay) are not enough to alleviate the damage to cows, sheep, goats or horses and, above all, to avoid pressure on farmers, who see the future of their activity and of the rural world doomed to failure. In no way does this measure contribute to the great problem of the emptied Spain.

Farmers continue to see the wolf as a vermin, and environmentalists as an animal in danger of extinction. Very briefly, this is the main problem.

More than 40 years ago, the population census was 200 copies, so without a doubt we were facing a species in danger of extinction. Today they are more than 2,500 wolves those that live in the north and center of the Iberian Peninsula, making our country the second region of the European continent with the largest number of specimens.

I am aware that it is very difficult to understand that where the wolf is hunted its population increases; and on the contrary, where it is a protected species, the population is stagnant or diminished. You can now comment on post with the disqualifications that you are used to, but it is like that, this is the result of the equation. No more.

The wolf hunt it promotes a controlled growth of the population of the species since it manages to reduce the attacks on traditional livestock, the great conflict with shepherds and ranchers, who have livestock as a means of livelihood.

I have my doubts as to whether they will listen to the ranchers, the PP or all of us who have been begging for months to be paid attention to so that they repeal the order prohibiting wolf hunting. We are going to continue fighting for it, since we are the first who, under no circumstances, want the disappearance of this native species. I insist, the wolf has to be hunted, yes, in a sustainable way to control its population.

Happy weekend!
