Seeing it this way: He lost his memory 10 minutes after having sexual intercourse! The reason is incredible

Seeing it this way He lost his memory 10 minutes

In the event that took place in Ireland, which surprised everyone, especially the medical world; The 66-year-old man lost his memory about 10 minutes after having sex. The event, which entered the literature, was published as an article in medical journals.


The 66-year-old man looked at his phone after having sexual intercourse with his wife. Looking at her phone, she realized she had forgotten their wedding anniversary. When this situation triggered the stress factors, he started not to remember the last 24 hours.

According to a case report published recently in the Official Journal of the Irish Medical Organization, sexual intercourse triggered short-term amnesia, temporarily obliterating the memory of the previous day and rendering it unable to retain new information.


According to the Mayo Clinic, this condition is called “Transient GLOBAL Amnesia (TGA).” Doctors said that after the affair, the man thought he was “stretched” when he saw the date on his phone and “forgot his wedding anniversary”. However, he had actually celebrated with his wife and family the day before, but could not remember these events.
