See the dirty toilet at Askimsbadet in Gothenburg: “Underpants, slippers and diapers”

People queue outside two open toilets at the municipal bathing area Askimsbadet in Gothenburg. But some choose to turn around when they peer into the soiled and littered restrooms. According to bathers, the bins were not emptied for a whole week.

– I think it’s so disgusting that it doesn’t resemble anything, says Ilona Moldován, who usually sunbathes and swims at Askimsbadet at least three times a week.

Have contacted the city of Gothenburg

Ilona has both sent pictures and called the city of Gothenburg. After 50 minutes in the phone queue, she has not received a concrete answer.

– They just said that they will see what they can do about it, she says.

“Unforeseen weather may occur”

It is not the weather but the calendar that determines how the urban environment administration plans its work at municipal bathing areas.

This year’s bathing season starts on June 10 and until then toilets are usually cleaned 2 times per week.

“It is far from always that the early summer is as sunny and nice as 2024, but we all do our best to take care of the city’s bathing areas and bathing area toilets as well as we can,” writes Susanne Jörlöv, manager of bathing areas at the city’s environmental administration, in an email response to SVT and continues:

“Unfortunately, unforeseen weather can occur, heat waves in the spring as well as snow chaos in the winter and it is impossible to plan for all extremes.”

She also announces that they have now cleaned Askimsbadet’s toilets and have ordered a daily cleaning due to the heat wave.
