See the debate on the EU’s new directive on gender quotas: “No, no and no”

The proposal was hammered through in the EU Parliament in 2022 and will make company recruitment transparent.

The requirement is that at least 40 percent of non-executive board positions and 30 percent of all director positions are held by the underrepresented gender.

Under the directive, which according to the decision is to be introduced in 2026, EU countries must introduce consequences such as fines for companies that do not use transparent appointment processes.

– Unfortunately, it is the case that the companies need this push, says Alice Bah Kuhnke (MP) in a debate in Aktuellt.

See the full EU debate between Alice Teodorescu Måwe (KD) and Alice Bah Kuhnke (MP) in Current affairs where they also addressed the migration pact and the climate goal.
