See how the line over Lapporten is mounted with fishing line and drone

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Just outside Abisko National Park are two iconic mountain peaks called Lapporten, Čuonjávággi. There, four people together broke the world record in highlining by walking on a rope between the two peaks in July 2021.

The first to cross the 2130 meter long line was the German Quirin Herterich.

– To walk on this line is demoralizing and devastating, it’s crazy. I did not think I would make it, he says.

Bicycle brake from the garbage and fishing line

A new documentary shows how the adventurers mount the line 600 meters up in the air with the help of a fishing line and drone. The original plan was to enlist the help of a helicopter, but the plan did not go awry because the helicopter at the last minute proved to lack the permit to carry out that type of flight.

The solution was instead to first attach a rope between the two mountain peaks by, among other things, flying down a fishing line with a drone. When the rope was stretched between the two peaks, the group could pull over the rope they would later walk on.

In order to be able to eject the rope in a controlled manner, without injuring anyone, Quirin Herterich mounted a bicycle brake on the spool so that it could be braked.

– This is a state-of-the-art bicycle brake; I found it in the garbage, he says and laughs.

New world record in May

At the end of May this year, the Frenchman Nathan Paulin broke a new world record by walking on a line 2.2 kilometers over Mont Saint-Michel in France.

See in the clip above how they mount the record line over Lapporten.

Lapporten på lina – at 9 pm on 21 June on SVT1 or whenever you want SVT Play.
