seduction operation of the 2 candidates towards the electorate of Algerian origin

As luck would have it, on 13 April, while the French Foreign Minister was traveling in Algeria, the Rassemblement national candidate for the presidential election, Marine Le Pen, spoke about her vision of relations with Algiers in if she is elected on 24 April next. The Algerian press did not hesitate to make the connection between this presidential election and the visit to Algiers by Jean-Yves Le Drian, seen as a messenger from President Macron in Algiers and the declarations of Marine Le Pen who seeks to seduce the electorate Algerian.

In her speech on Wednesday, the far-right candidate who traditionally adopts a hard line vis-à-vis Algeria, addressed the Algerians of France by softening the tone relatively. ” Marine Le Pen wants to seduce the electorate of Algerian origin “, headlined the news site All about Algeria (ASD).

Algerians who already live in France who behave in accordance with French law, respect our habits and customs and love France, its traditions, its history, its culture, who benefit from a work contract and who enrich us with their knowledge- do, which I think constitutes the majority of them, have no reason not to be invited to stay there Said Marine Le Pen. ” The others, admittedly a minority, must leave “, concluded the candidate of the National Rally.

Read also : French presidential election, what do Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron offer on immigration?

About the visit to Algiers by Jean-Yves Le Drian between the two rounds of the presidential election, he ” surely ” reassured President Tebboune concerning the “ rise of the French far right ” and the ” threats it could pose to Algerian-French relations (these relationships historical », « essential » and which are part of « the duration “) wrote La Patrie news.

According to Youssef Chiheb, professor at the Sorbonne, specialist in strategic issues in the Maghreb, joined by Houda Ibrahim of the African reaction, the minister first left to consolidate Franco-Algerian relations. In the background, there is of course President Macron who wants to appease misunderstandings and try to soften Algeria a little, in turn, to co-opt the electorate from Algeria. »

The two candidates are in the race to recover this Algerian electorate which voted in the majority for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round.

Read also : Macron-Le Pen: on Africa, programs at the antipodes

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian (left) met with Algerian President Abdelmajid Tebboune in Algiers on Wednesday April 13.
