Sedentary lifestyle worse than smoking, diabetes or heart disease for your health?

Sedentary lifestyle worse than smoking diabetes or heart disease for

While the harmful effects of a lack of physical activity are well known, the risk of mortality associated with a sedentary lifestyle could, according to one study, be greater than that linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes or smoking.

“Being in poor physical condition should be considered as a risk factor as hypertension, diabetes and smoking – if not more important than all”. This is what Dr Wael Jaber said to CNN. This cardiologist from the Cleveland Clinic medical center (United States) is also the author of a new study, published on October 19 in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, who finds that a sedentary lifestyle would indeed be much worse for health than cardiovascular disease, diabetes or smoking.

On the same subject

A 500% higher risk of death

To arrive at these results, the researchers studied the data of 122,007 patients who underwent a stress test on a treadmill at the Cleveland Clinic, between January 1991 and December 2004. They thus retrospectively measured the mortality of all participants. combined causes, in order to associate it with the advantages ofphysical exercise. For the more sedentary, the risk of death was 500% greater compared to the top performers on the exercises – a risk moreover three times higher than if they smoked. They were also twice as likely to develop kidney failure. “Being unfit on a treadmill or on a physical stress test has a worse prognosis for death than being hypertensive, diabetic or a smoker.” , develops Dr. Jaber at the American channel. We have never seen anything so pronounced and objective. “

On the other hand, someone who does not exercise a lot compared to someone who exercises regularly still has a 390% higher risk of death. “In reality, there is no limit to the profit for the year”, explains the cardiologist. If the researchers feared higher risks in “too” athletes, the study showed that this is not the case. “There is no level of exercise or fitness that puts you at risk”, he continues.

Prescription sports

The researchers therefore raise the need to treat the problem as a disease, for example by prescribing sports under prescription. “Rather than spending huge sums on treating the disease, we should encourage our patients and communities to be active and exercise daily.”, said Dr. Jordan Metzl, a specialist in sports medicine at the Special Surgery Hospital (HSS) in New York, interviewed by CNN.

Dr Satjit Bhusri, cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital, told the channel: “Western sedentary lifestyles have led to a higher incidence of heart disease and [cette étude] shows that it is editable. We are supposed to walk, run, exercise. It is above all about getting up and moving ”. The researchers also conclude in the report of their study : “Cardiorespiratory fitness is a modifiable indicator of long-term mortality and healthcare professionals should encourage patients to achieve and maintain a high level of fitness. .

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