Security Bill, Confedilizia: Accelerated procedure against illegal occupations is good

Security Bill Confedilizia Accelerated procedure against illegal occupations is good

(Finance) – “We express our appreciation for the approval by the Chamber of more effective measures to combat the arbitrary occupation of buildings, a widespread problem that affects the entire national territory and that generates growing social alarm”. Thus in a note Giorgio Spaziani HeadPresident Confediliziacommented on the green light from Montecitorio to the Security Bill.

“In particular, positive effects may come from the procedure for the reinstatement In the ownership of real estate provided for by the new article 321-bis of the code of criminal procedure, which provides – if the occupied property is the only actual residence of the complainant – the immediate intervention of the judicial police officers and allows the latter, ‘in the event of denial of access, resistance, refusal to execute the order of release or absence of the occupant’, where there are well-founded reasons to believe the occupation is arbitrary, to forcibly order the release of the property and to restore possession of the complainant, subject to authorization by the public prosecutor”, he underlined.

“The phenomenon of theillegal occupation of real estate, which some politicians have even gone so far as to promote, must be prevented and repressed, whether it concerns private property or public property”, concluded Spaziani Testa.
