Security and inflation on the agenda ahead of Estonia’s election

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Today, opinion polls indicate that the incumbent Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, who leads the liberal Reform Party, will be allowed to form a government again. The center party is said to be the main opponent, but most things point to the 45-year-old retaining power.

For Kaja Kallas, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine did not come as a surprise.

– She was one of those voices before the war that was right. She said that Russia was about to attack Ukraine.

The Estonian government led by Kallas has been one of Europe’s toughest voices against Russia. She has been singled out as a potential successor to Jens Stoltenberg as Secretary General of NATO.

– She is the daughter of a father who was a key figure in the fight for independence for Estonia, says Christoffer Wendick, SVT’s European correspondent.

Inflation at 20 percent

Estonia has among the worst inflation levels in the EU, around 20 percent, and it is one of the issues that the opposition likes to talk about.

– One wonders why neighboring Latvia weathered the crisis better than Estonia and why the Estonian government has not helped companies and households more.

Hear more about why Kaja Kallas has become a star voice in the fight against Russia in the video above.
