Securing the League –

Securing the League AScom

Both with his words and with his decisions, Ancelotti has made it clear that his priority is to secure the title of League over focus on Champions. Perhaps, at another time and in another state of form, with the advantage that the Whites have in the table, they could dose efforts and alternate line-ups seeking to reach the European games in the best state, but now it is not possible. The Italian and his coaching staff know that the team is not going through its best moment, neither footballing nor physically, and that not only the return against PSG but all the stops towards the Champions League final are risky for the level of this Madrid.

Given this scenario, which is also seen in the club, it becomes urgent to make good the advantage achieved in the League, because getting lost in distributions of minutes and efforts can lead to a worse mistake. Carletto He knows that if he lets go of the barn of points he has, he will be pointed out for not having managed the squad well, so he takes each league game as a final. The Champions League is a distant dream that he doesn’t even care about, what he is obsessed with is not falling out of the League despite his limp.
