Sneaky videos from various animal farms in Finland show minks and various foxes, mainly blue foxes, with various inflammations and behavioral disorders. It is the organization Oikeutta Eläimille, which means Justice for the animals, that is behind the films that are now spreading and upsetting people around the world. – The conditions for the animals on these farms are absolutely terrible, says animal rights activist Kristo Muurimaa. A spokesperson for the fur breeders would not comment on the footage because it was taken illegally, but said the farms are inspected annually and the animals’ health is generally good. – There will always be animals that have eye infections, ear infections or other sudden symptoms that the breeder then treats, says Olli-Pekka Nissinen, spokesperson for the organization Finnish fur breeders. There are around 800 fur farms in Finland, compared to just under 40 in Sweden. Several EU countries have completely or partially banned the activity, and the Finnish Social Democrats recently swung on the issue and are now in favor of a ban. The Greens and the Left Alliance also want to ban the breeding of fur animals. See images from the sneak footage in the player above.
Secretly films the horrors of animal farms: The fur is sold to Russian oligarchs