Second straight for Stockholm Hearts in GCT

The team Stockholm Hearts, with Malin Baryard-Johnsson, Peder Fredricson and the Belgian Olivier Philippaerts took home first place for the second year in a row.

“It’s absolutely fantastic, it’s so wonderful to win at home,” says Baryard-Johnsson to SVT Sport.

Stockholm Hearts had secured themselves a good position for the final after Fredricson and Philippaerts rode flawlessly in the first round. In the final, Philippaerts was replaced and Baryard-Johnsson came in, and the 48-year-old rode both flawlessly and fastest of all. All Fredricson then had to do was put in a flawless ride – and he succeeded, which meant victory was in store.

Second in the team competition was the Scandinavian Vikings with Henrik von Eckermann and Evelina Tovek.
