Second round of the French presidential election: the profile of abstainers

Second round of the French presidential election the profile of

With 28.2%, almost 4 points more than in 2017, abstention has never been so strong. And according to an Ipsos / Sopra Steria study, which profiles the abstainers from the second round of the French presidential election this Sunday, April 24, this could quickly have consequences in this new five-year term.

This new mandate of Emmanuel Macron could quickly be eventful. What emerges from this study on the profile of abstainers is that there are a lot of young people. The 18-34 year olds are those who shunned the polls the most this Sunday. And they are also the ones who could quickly – from the start of the school year in September – mobilize against the re-elected president. We are thinking in particular of students and young adults.

Another lesson from the profile of abstentionists: all professional categories are concerned. For example, there are as many abstentionists among executives and higher intellectual professions as among workers. Proof that weariness vis-à-vis French political life is now spreading to all layers of society.

And then finally, last warning for the future of this new five-year term of Emmanuel Macron: we abstained in all political formations, from left to right, with a record of 43% for the Insoumis. The latter should massively make their dissatisfaction heard in the legislative elections.
