Second-hand sales break records – store outgrew its premises

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

In January this year, Erikshjälpen moved to twice as large premises more centrally in Malmö.

– We outgrew our old premises. In the end, we didn’t know where to dispose of everything that people donate, says Magdalena Kvesic.

Because it is not only the customers who are increasing. More and more people also want to donate gadgets they no longer need.

– The extra kroner you earn from selling on Blocket doesn’t add up to much. It gives more to contribute to charity and to think about the environment, says Magdalena Kvesic.

More have increased their sales

It is not only Erikshjälpen that has increased its sales. Several of the second-hand sellers SVT Nyheter Skåne has been in contact with testify to an increased interest in buying used. For example…


Magdalena Kvesic believes that the increased interest is both about a worse economy and an increased interest in recycling. The large increase has occurred among young people.

– We have seen an increase in young people since the recycled garment became this year’s Christmas present in 2018. It has become trendy to shop second hand, but it is also about the fact that these are worse times, says Magdalena Kvesic.
