It will be incredibly emotional in tonight’s episode of Master of Masters.
When the tough athletes open up about their biggest fears.
– That is bullshit, says Sebastian Larsson in SVT.
– It might sound strange, admits Joel Lundqvist.
This year’s season of “Master of Champions” has reached the eighth episode and now it’s getting really exciting before the grand finale. The acclaimed SVT program has this year been praised by the television viewers for the fierce competition in the competitions and the wonderful community between the participants.
Leijnegard guests
The former athletes have really grown close in a short time and have become really good friends while being forced to compete against each other. We have been invited to chatty dinners and fun little activities during the days.
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But it becomes both very interesting and emotional when the SVT presenter Mike Leijnegard guests tonight’s dinner to talk about their careers and how they were able to handle the intense pressure that comes with an elite career. Above all, he wonders if they learned to deal with losses better and were therefore able to enjoy their sports careers more.
Larsson admits
Then takes Sebastian Larsson immediately the word and reveals his innermost feelings with brutal honesty.
– That is bullshit. I can only start from myself, but to a very high percentage you are driven by anxiety and fear of failure or loss. Then it can go hand in hand with the fact that you see the dream, but that you are terrified of missing the dream, says “Seb” in Sunday’s program.
– I shot many penalties during my career and for me it was a lot, what happens if I miss?
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The other participants around the dinner table also open their hearts about the fears they have felt during their active careers.
– Fear is the most natural thing you have. If you’re on a downhill race, you can see everyone when fear hits, then it’s all about how you handle it. I was very clear that it would be the most normal thing that happened to me every day and welcomed it to deal with it, says Anja Pärson in SVT.
– For me it was more the feeling of losing and hating losing was stronger than the feeling of winning. It might sound strange. But winning was more of a relief, many times. But losing is so much frustration, anger and disappointment – so it was more of a driving force. Hating losing meant more than winning, admits Joel Lundqvist.
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The open-hearted confessions of the former athletes really arouse strong reactions in the TV viewers and you get a completely different picture of what it means to be the best in your sport.
– For me, it took quite a long time to realize that it was okay that anxiety and fear were my driving force. In the beginning, you tried to fight it because you wanted to be happy and enjoy it. But it’s very easy when you stop admitting it, only towards the end of my career I could be open and say that I was driven by anxiety throughout my career. I had never said that during the middle of my career, because I had seen it as a sign of weakness then. But then you became confident in it, says Sebastian Larsson and continues:
– But the fear and anxiety for me only existed before, the days before and the hours before.
– The third stroke, then it let up for me. Then I have to be there, says Anja Pärson.
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