Seasons Ida and Viktoria think that more people can be attracted to Sälen restaurants

– I love the environment up here and the whole aura – and then I came back for all the friends you got to know and the job, which is a lot of fun. So I couldn’t stay away from coming back again this year, says Ida Ganslandt, who is doing her second winter season in Sälen.

SVT meets Ida and Viktoria during a coffee and champagne course organized by their employer. It is one of several internal trainings they can attend to learn more about the restaurant profession before the upcoming winter season.

– Seasonal work is fun as we get to learn a lot. Many skills that you can show to your friends too, says Viktoria Andersson, who is doing her first season in Sälen as a chef at a restaurant.

Want to change careers in the future

Both enjoy working in restaurants, but are still eager to change industries and are considering studying.

You don’t want to continue studying for something in the restaurant industry?

– No, not unfortunately, says Ida Ganslandt who is still open to working a few more seasons in the industry before there is a change.

They don’t know what would make Ida and Viktoria stay in the industry or how to attract experienced staff back. But both believe that more people would be attracted to the restaurant industry in Sälen through even more advertising.

“Go out to high school students and restaurants” – see more in the clip above from the coffee course where seasonal workers Ida and Viktoria tell what they think would attract more people to the industry.
