Seasonal depression: symptoms, how to avoid it?

Seasonal depression symptoms how to avoid it

Seasonal depression or “seasonal affective disorder” occurs in fall and winter when the body is less exposed to light.

There seasonal depression Or winter occurs when daylight decreases. We think it is “mild” but it can have a more serious impact on the daily lives of people who suffer from it. There singer Adelefor example, told the magazine The Hollywood Reporter in December 2023 suffer “very serious seasonal depression”. “It’s strange sometimes because I’m very British” she commented before explaining that “time is good for me here” in Los Angeles, where she lives. Like her songs, Adele says she is “an incredibly sad person, I inherited a lot of sadness, I am a real empath (…) it’s been like that since I was very little”.

Seasonal depression, sometimes called “seasonal affective disorder” (SAD), is a form of depression who intervenes in the fall when daylight begins to diminish and lasts until spring, improves in summer and resumes each fall. “It affects people who are very sensitive to light. As soon as it begins to decrease, around October or November, they will present the same symptoms as classic depression. The difference is that its occurrence in them is linked to the brightness which very clearly affects their morale., comments Professor Bénédicte Gohier, psychiatrist at Angers University Hospital. We also talk about “winter blues” or “winter blues”.

Seasonal depression is directly linked to the decline in daylight. People who are prone to it are particularly sensitive to melatonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain which allows you to have a relevant circadian rhythm. “However, as melatonin is activated by the impact of light on the retina, their internal biological clock becomes disrupted, which gradually leads to this form of depression. For example, these are patients who have a very hard time coping with jet lag. “, underlines the psychiatrist.

A tendency to retreat into sleep and eat more

The symptoms are those of depression:

  • Mood disorders
  • Irritability
  • Lack of desire
  • Severe fatigue
  • Permanent sadness
  • A drop in libido
  • A devaluation of oneself
  • Concentration problems

Difference with classic depression: The main characteristic of this type of depression is that it always occurs in the same season, explains the specialist. In classic depression, there is a general slowdown, sleep problems sometimes leading to insomnia and a lack of appetite. Whereas in patients with seasonal depression, it is quite the opposite that can happen, they will have tendency to retreat into sleep and eat more“.

A general practitioner will be able to make the diagnosis of depression but not necessarily that of seasonal depression whereas the subtlety of the treatment is really very special, iincluding sessions of light therapy and psychotherapy, remarks Professor Gohier. It is therefore preferable to consult a psychiatrist whose specialty is since depression affects daily life”. The diagnosis is made using very simple questions. It is asked when the symptoms have lasted for more than two weeks and they considerably hinder daily life.

The treatment of seasonal depression is based oncombination of psychotherapy and light therapy, essential to compensate for the lack of brightness on the retina. Sessions are held in the morning from October or November when it is darker, until spring.

It is also recommended to walk in the morning to get as much daylight as possible. There vitamin D also having an impact on morale, the ability to concentrate, attention and memory, one is prescribed priest at the beginning of winter. Sometimes drug treatments are combined when the depression is very severe. In the context of seasonal depression, it’s important to check if this depression is part of bipolar disorderwhich modifies the type of treatment “, the psychiatrist would like to point out.

Thanks to Professor Bénédicte Gohier, psychiatrist at Angers University Hospital.
