Search operation begins for missing man


  • Search operation begins for missing man

    At 9 a.m. on Sunday morning, the police start the search operation again for the 60-year-old Norwegian man who is missing in Älvdalen.

    At 12:30 on Saturday, the police helicopter found the man’s canoe lying upside down in Hånån. He had traveled with dogs which were located on land near the canoe.

    – We have a helicopter and dog on site today, says Mats Öhman, press officer at the police in Bergslagen.

    Yesterday mountain rescuers assisted with the search. Mats Öhman believes that they will help even today.

    – There is a hope of finding him alive, he says.


  • Fishing boat on fire – gas explosion makes it difficult

    A fishing boat caught fire outside Aneby during the morning.

    According to the rescue service, the work is complicated by the fact that a welding gas cylinder exploded, reports P4 Jönköping.

    There is no risk that any buildings will be damaged, but there is, however, a small risk that the fire could spread out into the terrain, according to the channel.

  • Fire in caravan – police investigate crime

    The police have been called to a campsite in Borlänge municipality due to a fire in a caravan, the police say.

    The police are investigating crimes in connection with the incident. Technicians will be sent to the site during the day.

  • Police drone fired with laser

    A police drone was shot at with a laser in Gävle last night, the police write on their website.

    A report of sabotage against blue light operations has been made and two people are suspected.

  • Suspected aggravated rape in Stockholm

    The police are investigating a suspected serious rape in Hammarbyhöjden. It should have taken place last night.

    The rape took place in an apartment which is now cordoned off.

    The police write that more details will not be released at this time.

    “Intensive work is underway with measures such as crime scene investigation with trace protection,” the police write.

    – We cannot go into anything. But what I can say is that the plaintiff is an adult woman, says Helena Boström Thomas at the Stockholm police.

  • Russia: 158 Ukrainian drones shot down

    During the night of Sunday, Russia shot down 158 Ukrainian drones over 15 Russian regions, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    Two of the drones are said to have been shot down over the capital Moscow. The vast majority, 122, were shot down in regions near the Ukrainian border.

  • Man badly beaten – woman arrested

    A man in his 60s was beaten in Kristinehamn on Saturday evening and had to be taken to hospital with serious injuries.

    A woman was arrested and has now been arrested on suspicion of assault.

    – Then we go to an address because a man is said to have been stabbed by a relative, says Mattias Henriksson, officer on duty at the police in the Bergslagen region to NWT.

  • Car has crashed into construction barracks

    A car has crashed into construction barracks on Södermalm in Stockholm and a street is closed due to race risk.

    “Because the risk of collapse is high, the street will be closed until the problem is fixed with a crane truck, hopefully during the morning.”

    The car is partially wedged under the barracks. No one is said to have been injured.

    The man who drove the car is suspected of drunk driving.

  • Man beaten – was jumped on by several people

    Late yesterday evening, a man was jumped on and beaten by several perpetrators in Halmstad.

    – We receive an alert via SOS about several perpetrators beating a man on Brogatan and, among other things, jumping on this man.

    The police tell Göteborgs-Posten that the perpetrators jumped on the man’s head.

    It is said to have involved three to four suspected perpetrators.

    The people are said to have then run from the scene in the direction of the city centre.

    A report of assault has been made.

  • Several people were abused

    Shortly after 04:00 an alarm came in that several perpetrators had beaten a man outside a restaurant in Varberg while one person tried to intervene.

    The man who was beaten should not have needed an ambulance.

    The perpetrators left the scene and no one has been arrested.

    A report of assault and illegal threats has been made.

  • Man beaten – perpetrators fled

    A man was beaten at a parking lot in Skövde during the night. Another man watched as the beating took place.

    – There are two men who get out of a car. One man beats this man down in a parking lot while the other stands and watches, says Fredrik Svedemyr, press spokesperson for the police in the West region.

    Two perpetrators then fled in a car together with a female driver and drove in the direction of the arena in Skövde.

    The man had to be taken to hospital and was awake and able to speak and a report of assault has been made.

  • Elderly man injured in serious assault

    The police are investigating a serious assault in Helsingborg where a 65-year-old man has been injured, the police write.

    He has been taken to hospital by ambulance. His injury status is unclear.

    The police’s initial information from the scene claims that two perpetrators were involved.

    – No arrests, according to information from the scene, a 65-year-old man has been beaten and punched. He has hit his head on the ground, says Patric Fors of the police in Syd.

  • Security guard injured – suspected attempted murder

    Photo: Mikael Nilsson

    The police are investigating an attempted murder in Malmö after being alerted to a fight.

    At the scene, a guard is found injured with “a sharp cut”. He has been taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The guard’s condition is described as stable.

    Pictures from the scene show that an area outside the Migration Agency has been cordoned off.

    – It is outside a residence. It is too early to answer whether he lives there or has visited there, says Patric Fors at the police in Syd.

    The police were alerted to the scene by the guard who stated that he had been in a fight and had been injured, according to the police.

    A suspected perpetrator, a man in his 30s, tried to flee the scene but was arrested by the police soon after.

    – This happened only an hour ago, so we need to hold an interrogation and it is too early to say what may have happened, says Patric Fors.

    The crime scene is cordoned off for a forensic investigation.

  • White House: Six hostages found dead

    The six people found dead in a tunnel under Rafah in Gaza last night were hostages, the White House confirmed in a statement on Sunday morning.

    One of them was American-Israeli citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin.

    He was attending the Supernova music festival on October 7 when Hamas carried out its act of terror, kidnapping over 200 people.

    Last night, when information that the hostage was found dead cow, the association “Hostage and missing families forum” wrote a statement.

    “Netanyahu abandoned these hostages. Now it is a fact,” said the statement, according to Haaretz.

    “Starting tomorrow (Sunday reds.anm) the country will shake. We encourage the public to prepare,” it continues.

    Furthermore, it is written that more messages will be published during Sunday morning.

  • Hundreds of protesters imprisoned

    More than 700 people arrested in connection with post-election demonstrations in Venezuela have been taken to high-security prisons, a human rights organization said on Saturday.

    The detainees, who were in police stations around the country, should, according to the organization, have been moved to two notorious, formerly gang-controlled institutions.

    Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro’s claim to electoral victory has been questioned by several Latin American countries, the US and the EU.

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