Search of Trump mansion had ‘probable cause’ – slams criticism of FBI

Search of Trump mansion had probable cause slams criticism

Attorney General Merrick Graland called the criticism “baseless attacks.”

Attorney General of the United States Merrick Garland spoke to the media on Thursday evening, late Finnish time, the former president Donald Trump’s from the house search made to the mansion, Mar-a-Lago.

At a news conference, Garland confirmed that the federal police, the FBI, had searched the home.

Trump supporters and many Republicans in particular have been outraged by the home search and questioned its motives.

At a news conference, Garland said he condemned the criticism of the federal police and the Department of Justice and their employees, which he called “unwarranted attacks.”

“Probable basis” for the search

An FBI search of a private residence must be approved by a judge after law enforcement has been able to demonstrate probable cause to justify the search.

At the press conference, Graland said that he personally approved the search warrant issued for Trump’s home.

Garland emphasized that the decision to investigate and search the home was not made lightly, but that there was “probable grounds” for the search.

Garland said no further information about the investigation can be released at this time.

The US media reported earlier in the week that the raid was looking for documents that Trump might have taken with him from the White House without permission.
