Search canceled – no Nazi tax in Ommeren

Search canceled no Nazi tax in Ommeren

Published: Just now

full screen An excavator in Ommeren, where the treasure was said to have been hidden, during Monday. However, the digging has not yielded the desired results and on Tuesday the search was called off. Photo: Aleksandar Furtula/AP/TT

The great treasure hunt that has been going on for several months in the Dutch village of Ommeren has been called off, without any Nazi treasure being found.

Since January, when the national archive showed a hand-drawn map with a red cross on it, fortune seekers have gathered in Ommeren. But now the search is over.

“We have concluded that there is no Nazi tax in Ommeren. We assume that the treasure was once buried in Ommeren, but that it has been removed at some point,” says Birgit van Aken-Quin in the municipality of Buren in an email.

According to documents kept with the map, there was testimony that the Nazis buried four ammunition boxes full of jewelry, gems and gold coins. The value today is estimated at eleven million euros, corresponding to SEK 124 million.

The Nazis are said to have appropriated the treasure since a bank in Arnhem was bombed in 1944.
