Sea economy, growing numbers in Italy

Sea economy growing numbers in Italy

(Finance) – CoWith 227,975 companies and 1,040,172 employees, the maritime economy in Italy generates a direct added value of 64.6 billion euros, which, considering also “the value activated” in the rest of the economy, reaches 178.3 billion euros, equal to 10.2% of the national GDP.This is what emerges from the XII National Report on the Economy of the Sea edited by the National Observatory on the Economy of the Sea Ossermare, Tagliacarne Study Center – Unioncamere, Informare, Frosinone Latina Chamber of Commerce and Blue Forum Italia Network, presented this morning in Rome, as reported in a press release at the Sala Longhi of Unioncamere in the presence of the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso and the Minister for Civil Protection and Marine Policies Nello Musumeci. A sector in clear growth in every aspect, says the study, a national and European point of reference in defining the value of the Italian Blue Economy, which – like every year – has put under the magnifying glass the different sectors that make up the “blue” productive force: the fishing and shipbuilding supply chains, accommodation and catering services, sports and recreational activities, the marine extraction industry, the movement of goods and passengers, research, regulation and environmental protection.

Direct added value grows by +15.1%, equal to twice the Italian average growth stops at 6.9%. The overall added value grows by almost one percentage point compared to what was found in the XI Report of 2023. The multiplier grows, equal to 1.8 this year, compared to 1.7% in the last survey. That is, for every euro spent in the sectors directly related to the sea supply chain, another 1.8 are activated in the rest of the economy. There is also a plus sign for employees, with an increase in employment of 6.6%, equal to almost four times that recorded in the country (1.7%).

The number of companies, however, remains stable.
