SD’s Alexander is removed from office – hailed by Putin and the Kremlin

For years, Alexander, 35, has praised Putin and spread Kremlin propaganda. Expressen can reveal this after finding several old posts on Alexander’s social media.

“Would be really bad for Russia if NATO had a military base in Ukraine, can understand Putin’s concern :P,” he wrote on X after Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine in 2014.

In Kalla fakta’s review “Undercover in the troll factory”, Alexander was singled out as one of the central people behind the Sweden Democrats’ anonymous accounts. In front of the hidden camera, he boasts, among other things, that he has had 1.5 million views a month on his YouTube clips.

Denies the posts

In connection with Expressen’s disclosure, the Sweden Democrats have now chosen to remove Alexander from office.

“We still take this information seriously and will follow up on this internally. For the time being, he has been removed from duty. As this concerns an employment, we do not intend to comment on the matter further at this time,” says SD’s press department to the newspaper.

When Alexander is confronted about the posts, he says:

– I have not written anything about Ukraine except that I gave Ukraine support and helped Ukrainians who fled here. So I don’t know what you’re looking at.
