SD spread white power posts via troll accounts

SD spread white power posts via troll accounts



full screen Sweden Democrats party leader Jimmie Åkesson in Umeå during his EU election tour this week. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

The Sweden Democrats have, via their anonymous accounts, spread the message of white power. This is reported by Expo, which reviewed the contents of the disclosed accounts.

According to Expo, SD has spread messages from several accounts that can be linked to the white power movement. Among other things, one account has published posts with American Nazi Nick Fuentes. According to Expo, Fuentes has said that he “loves Hitler” and expressed that the United States should be cleansed of Jews.

Other accounts that are said to have been controlled by SD have spread so-called eco-fascism, which simply means defending the “survival of the white race” and the right to “natural habitats”. Tributes to Theodore “Ted” Kaczynski, known as the “Unabomber,” also appear, Expo reports.

In a comment to Expo, SD writes that the posts connected to the white power movement were removed because they were “flagged by Tiktok” and that they were “created by a ‘junior employee’ who did not understand what content he was spreading”. SD does not respond to Expo’s questions about the posts relating to eco-fascism or the tribute to the Unabomber.
