SD rejects S’s proposal on bank tax

SD rejects Ss proposal on bank tax
full screen The Sweden Democrats’ economic policy spokesperson Oscar Sjöstedt. Archive image. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

The Social Democrats want support in the Riksdag for a temporary bank tax. But the Sweden Democrats intend to vote down the proposal.

On Tuesday, S took the initiative in the Riksdag’s finance committee to quickly investigate a tax on the banks’ excess profits.

The party wants the government to come back with an extra amendment budget where resources from the bank tax are used to support households, for example through extra child allowance and a tank discount in sparsely populated areas.

Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (M) has previously rejected a road tax – and SD does not want to support the initiative either.

– In principle, I have nothing against taxing the banks more heavily, but I don’t see how it can be done in a way where one hundred percent will not be passed on to the customers, i.e. the mortgage holders, says Oscar Sjöstedt, SD’s economic policy spokesperson.

SD will vote down the proposal when it is brought up again on Thursday.

– Yes. This will not pass, it will not get a majority in the committee, says Sjöstedt.

The proposal for a temporary bank tax was also included in S’s shadow budget last autumn. It is estimated that it could bring in ten billion kroner.

Economic and political spokesperson Mikael Damberg believes that SD “sides with the banks”, rather than the households.

– I find that provocative in this situation where the banks are making huge profits and households are on their knees.

– We have a very passive government that does not support households in a difficult time, says Damberg.
