SD member Elsa Widding is being pushed from the environment committee

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According to Kinnunen, there is a change in the committees, and a replacement for Widding will be appointed shortly. Elsa Widding will instead take a seat as a deputy in the tax committee.

Widding has profiled himself in climate issues and has previously said that there is a lack of scientific evidence that the world is in a climate crisis. She has also directed criticism at the SD-backed government and climate and environment minister Romina Pourmokhtari, whom she called “ignorant”.

SD’s deputy group leader Linda Lindberg writes to SVT Nyheter that what happened is “completely undramatic”.

“In this case, it’s about covering up and ensuring that we have balance within all of the Riksdag’s committees and meeting the wishes that exist,” she writes in an email.

SVT Nyheter is looking for Elsa Widding for a comment.
