SD member at conference with conspirators

The conference took place on Saturday in Stavanger, Norway.

— More members of parliament should visit these conferences, says Elsa Widding to Expo.

A common thread throughout the conference was, according to Expo, that organizations such as the WHO and the World Economic Forum are secretly trying to take over the world. One of the organizers claims, among other things, that the corona pandemic was orchestrated by a hidden world elite.

A co-organiser was Children’s Health Defense Europe – which is chaired by US conspiracy theorist Robert F Kennedy Jr, nephew of former US President John F Kennedy.

“Climate crisis made up”

He has several times compared vaccination programs to the Holocaust and the situation of Jews during World War II.

In 2022 he said that the covid-19 restrictions were worse for people than life was for Anne Frank because she “could still hide in an attic”, has The Guardian reported.

Another organizer named Bindersinitiativet claims on its website that the climate crisis is made up so that top politicians and academics can make a career. They also claim that carbon dioxide emissions are not the cause of global warming.

According to Expo, Widding gave a talk during the conference and then brought up the Climate Policy Council’s latest report, in which chairman Cecilia Hermansson warned of the risks of postponing emission-reducing measures to the future.

“Unscientifically speaking”

During the talk, Widding attacked the statement.

— That is very unscientifically said by her. It’s a shame! I am really ashamed of such statements and that they are spread in the media, she said from the stage.

After the conference, Widding tells Expo that she sees no problem with her participation in the context, but that it is “fantastically good” to listen to these experts.

At the same time, she says that she is not aware of the relativization of the Holocaust that participants and organizers engaged in, but that she does not stand behind this in case it happened.

Elsa Widding, who was elected to the Riksdag last year, has previously said that she believes the climate crisis lacks scientific support.
