The environmental party’s representatives in the municipal council have no views on the booking. But want to see guidelines for support from the municipality.
– But we have talked about that the municipality should develop a value base policy that organizations and cultural practitioners should follow for support, says Mariam Salem (MP).
Center Party
The Center Party does not want to interfere in the festival’s bookings but wants to evaluate the collaboration.
– We have promised support for the fireball acid and we cannot change that. But then we have to evaluate whether the collaboration is good and if we should continue with it, says Mattias Larsson (C).
The Christian Democrats
– I think the booking of Yasin is very inappropriate. But I do not have all the information and do not think the municipality should interrupt the cooperation with the fireball acid, says Veronica Kerr (KD)
The Moderates
Moderate cultural politician Anton Bergström Nord has previously criticized the booking, but he is not backed by the party’s representatives in the municipal council.
– We politicians cannot have opinions about individual artists. This is handled at the official level, says Anders Ågren, (M) opposition council.
The Social Democrats
The Social Democrats have no views on the booking of Yasin.
– We have no idea. Politics should keep an arm’s length from the culture and there are many cultural expressions, we have problems if we are to evaluate everyone, says the municipal council Hans Lindberg, (S).
The Left Party
The Left Party does not want to intervene.
– It will be dangerous to condition support for the culture, we should not do that, says Bore Sköld, (V) group leader.