SD criticizes the government for the aborted qualification investigation

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

During the pandemic, the qualifying period, which was previously called the qualifying period, was temporarily abolished. The investigation into the retirement allowance was added by the previous government and was to be reported by September 29, 2023 at the latest. But now it is closed by the new government. The Sweden Democrats say they were unaware of the decision.

– Karen’s day is a big burden for many particularly vulnerable professional groups in, among other things, healthcare, not least in these times when many Swedes experience great economic uncertainty. We are therefore very critical of the government choosing to make this decision, says Linda Lindberg in a press release.

Want answers from the government

The fact that professional groups who do not have the opportunity to work from home are hit harder by the retirement allowance was one of the reasons why the previous government appointed the inquiry, which would also review sick pay.

– We will take a closer look at how we will act in the future, but in the first stage we intend to call the Minister for the Elderly and Social Insurance Anna Tenje to the relevant committee to get an answer as to why they choose to deprioritize such an important issue, says SD’s Linda Lindberg in the press release.

In January 2019, the suspension deduction replaced the so-called suspension day, which meant that the sick person did not receive any salary on the first day. Now the employer can deduct 20 percent of the sick pay the employee would have received during an average working week. For those who work the same number of hours every day, five days a week, the effect will be the same.
