Scrapping quarter, fifth installment postponed: the new date

Tax goodbye to files and 320 thousand checks in a

(Telestock) – Postponed from July 31st to September 15th the payment of the fifth installment of the Scrappage-quarter of the tax folders.

The provision is contained in Article 6 of the latest legislative decree, definitively approved by the last Council of Ministers, which includes the amendments to the previous implementing provisions of the tax delegation. The provision – government sources explain – will follow its course in view of publication in the Official Journal expected in the next few days.

The news therefore confirms the rumors of the past few days. “The postponement of the July 31 deadline for the scrapping of tax bills is essential, but the rules of the procedure must also be rewritten, to ensure that the single installment does not exceed one fifth of the taxpayer’s or company’s income”, the request made in the past few hours by Confedercontribuenti, underlining that the postponement to mid-September – which the government is reportedly working on – will serve to provide “a breath of fresh air”. But the real problem – Confedercontribuenti highlights – the tax burden remains unsustainable to which most taxpayers are subjected.

“These people and these businesses – comments Carmelo Finocchiaro, president of the Confederation – live with the constant nightmare of being foreclosed on or having their home mortgaged. Because even if they can barely pay one installment, they don’t know what will happen with the next one.”
