Scots pine essential oil: virtues, uses

Scots pine essential oil virtues uses

Scots pine essential oil acts on the body and the mind. It relieves nervous fatigue, bronchitis, stuffy nose, eczema or osteoarthritis. How to use it ? What are all its benefits? Manual.

I’Scots pine essential oil has the botanical name Pinus sylvestris. Those are the Scots pine needles which provide essential oil (EO), chemotyped alpha and beta-pinenes, delta 3-carene, limonene and myrcene. What is Scots pine oil? What are the virtues? How to use it ?

Definition: what is Scots pine essential oil?

The Scots pine is a tree from the Pinaceae family, itself from the large conifer family. Native to the mountainous regions of Europe (France and Norway) and Asia, it is easily recognizable by its brown bark and its size: it is generally about twenty meters high. I’Scots pine essential oil is derived from it.

Photo of a Scots pine © virynja-123RF

What are the virtues of Scots pine essential oil?

► Against bronchitis and stuffy nose: Syvestre pine essential oil clears congested bronchi. The antiseptic virtues (especially for the air), anti-infectious (especially for ENT disorders), expectorant (helps to thin and allow the evacuation of mucus in the bronchi) are the best known of Scots pine essential oil. . This HE is highly recommended in case of bronchitis, cough, sinusitis. To be used in inhalation, diffusion or massage, indicates Amélie Mounier, naturopath.

► Skin problems such as eczema, skin fungus or parasitosis: the antibacterial and antiseptic properties of Scots pine HE help fight against these skin disorders. It is a skin regenerator, also useful in case of psoriasis. In local application and diluted in a vegetable oil, indicates the naturopath.

► Muscle and joint pain such as osteoarthritis: used on the skin, Scots pine HE, through its heating effect and its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, relieves rheumatism, stiffness, muscle and joint pain. It helps relieve osteoarthritis, arthritis, sciatica, lumbago. To be used diluted in a vegetable oil, in massage on the painful area.

She is stimulating and invigorating thanks to its cortison-like effect (promotes the production of cortisone), and stimulates the adrenals. It is an interesting essential oil in case of physical or nervous fatigue, according to the naturopath. It can thus be used in case ofanxiety, latent depression, mental and physical fatigue, nervousness, stress. Apply it preferably in friction at the level of the kidneys or along the spine, diluted in a vegetable oil.

“It can be used in synergy with other essential oils as wintergreen or lemon eucalyptusrecommends the naturopath.

Inhalation is the preferred method in case of ENT infections and to promote well-being. There are two practices: wet inhalation which consists of breathing the vapors of a few drops of Scots pine HE diluted in a bowl of hot water. Or dry inhalation by placing a few drops of Scots pine HE on a handkerchief or in a capillary diffuser, and inhaling it occasionally.

► The diffusion Scots pine essential oil is ideal for stimulating, toning and purifying the air. To be preferred during the day rather than in the evening. Diffusion can be by nebulization for good efficiency, or by ultrasound also called misting.

Attention : never broadcast in the presence of children, pregnant women, animals, people with asthma or epilepsy. Ventilate the room well afterwards, for 10 minutes, warns the naturopath.

► Theskin application Scots pine essential oil and massage are recommended for coughs, muscle aches and stiffness, arthritis, osteoarthritis, sciatica or lumbago, or for the treatment of respiratory infections, periods fatigue or convalescence. Before being applied to the area concerned, painful, the HE must be diluted in a vegetable oil (HV), 1 drop of HE for 4 drops of HV. In case of cough or fatigue, the application is made on the lower back and the arch of the foot.

► Taking EO from Scots pine orallyIt is interesting in case of infectious problems or to stimulate the body, indicates the naturopath. But it must be the subject of a specific protocol, defined during a consultation with a naturopathic therapist and/or an aromatherapist.

Scots pine essential oil is irritating in its pure state.

From what age can Scots pine essential oil be used?

Scots pine essential oil can be used, with caution, from the age of 6 years.

Can Scots pine essential oil be used during pregnancy?

Scots pine essential oil should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What are the dangers of Scots pine essential oil?

Scots pine essential oil is pure irritant. It is necessary to always dilute well for cutaneous use. Before using it, it is advisable to test a small drop at the bend of the elbow and check after 24 hours if there is no reaction. Its possible “cortison-like” effect should be taken into account in the event of a related pathology. “Do not prolong its use, favor short cures“, recommends the naturopath.

What are the contraindications of Scots pine essential oil?

► Always pay attention to the use of essential oils for fragile people, children, the elderly, pregnant and breastfeeding women, asthmatics, epilepticswarns the naturopath.

► The use of Scots pine essential oil is not recommended in case of kidney failure.

Thanks to Amélie Mounier, certified FENA naturopath, in Vincennes.
