Since mail delivery was scaled down to every other day, Postnord has had problems reaching the delivery requirements they are obliged to follow as part of their social mission. But the criticism does not only come from the outside – from households who realize that the mail is delayed or does not arrive at all – but also from the external faces of the makeover. The postmen. – You get scolded by customers, with every right, you get scolded by managers – and you scold yourself because you feel inadequate, says postman Emilia Leijon. “Too much mail and too little time” In pictures that Kalla fakta has seen, pile after pile of delayed letters to several thousand households can be seen. They are taken from inside one of Postnord’s terminals and clearly show why the company is currently grappling with an injunction from the Swedish Post and Telecommunications Board because the company no longer meets the delivery requirements according to the postal regulation. For the postmen themselves, everyday life looks different now, with the every other day delivery, compared to before. They now circulate in different areas on different days, and always with two days’ worth of mail to hand out. – We basically never have time to hand out a whole loop. There is too much mail and too little time, says Emilia Leijon. In the player above: Postnord’s production director responds to the criticism.
Scolded postman admits: We deserve shit – we can’t keep up