Scientists have revised their copy: here is the number of eggs we can eat per week (that many?)

1719478795 Scientists have revised their copy here is the number of

Rich in cholesterol, egg yolk has long been banned…

Egg is a food that contains a lot of good nutrients. Soft-boiled, hard, fried… It’s a must-have on our plates. First of all, it is rich in protein: 12.7 g/100 g or approximately 15 g of protein in two eggs, which rivals the consumption of a small minced steak. “Egg white albumin is considered the reference protein, that is to say the one which contains all the essential amino acids in optimal proportions” explains Nathalie Negro, dietician-nutritionist, Manager of the Nutritional Center of the Thermes de Brides-les-Bains.

It also contains vitamin D which is useful for bone health and the proper functioning of the immune system. It is a source of minerals, “the most significant being phosphorus and calcium, very useful for the constitution of our bones, and iron” indicates the dietician. It provides all the B group vitamins essential for the proper functioning of our body and contains “good fats”, omegas 3, 6 and 9 essential for the functioning of the brain (they are part of the composition of cell membranes) and in prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Finally, the egg is low in calories.

Despite these benefits, it has a downside: with a contribution of 398 mg of cholesterol, egg yolk is one of the richest sources of dietary cholesterol, hence the fact that it has long been demonized. An American study published in the medical journal JAMA found a link between the consumption of foods high in cholesterol and the development of cardiovascular disease. This risk increased depending on the quantity consumed. But as a reminder, only 30% of cholesterol comes from food and 70% is made by the liver.

While it has long been recommended to limit oneself to the consumption of 2 to 4 eggs per week, today, scientists have revised their copy. “In France, official recommendations set the consumption for healthy adults, children from 10 years old and seniors, who have an increased need for protein, at one egg per day, or 7 per week, in absence of particular pathologies” specifies our interlocutor. For people suffering from high cholesterol, diabetes or cardiovascular disease, caution recommends consuming 3 to 4 eggs per week. It’s already pretty good, those who love them agree!
