Two astronomers think they have discovered a new planet relatively close to Venus by its composition. It could ultimately house life.
Would a new planet ever explored until then been discovered? Indeed, an exoplanet gravitating in orbit around a red dwarf star at around 47 years light from the earth has recently been seen. Mistworm and compared to a “mini neptune”, it would finally be … closer to the planet Venus, in a much more imposing format. According to Alert Sciencethis new planet would actually be part of a category called the “Super Venus”.
This hitherto unknown planet could house atmospheres rich in hydrogen and helium. Oceans could also wrap its surface. It could also be part of a whole eco-system of more than 5,800 exoplanets distributed in the solar system. If other conditions are met, it could finally house life as we know it on earth.
This famous new planet is Enaiposha, also called GJ 214 B, in a more barbaric way. And if it fascinates so much, it is also because of its thick atmosphere that we cannot easily enter it, quite the contrary. On the other hand, in addition to the water, it could contain vaporized metals, according to the observations of JWST and Hubble, in the columns of Alert Science.

Recently, a study led by astronomers Everett Schlawin of the University of Arizona, and Kazumasa Ohno of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and published on IOP Sciencehas highlighted a completely unexpected element by working on Enaiposha’s transit data. Its composition would look like two drops of water in the atmosphere of Venus. Indeed, the two specialists realized that the light of the stars traveling through the atmosphere of Enaiposha was altered by carbon dioxide, with concentrations similar to those of carbon dioxide which represents more than 96% of the ‘Venus atmosphere.
Please note, “the CO2 signal detected was very low during the first study”, tempers Kazumasa Ohno. The two astronomers do not yet have the necessary perspective to assert their theory at 100, but a scenario according to which Enaiposha would have an atmosphere mainly composed of metals (at low altitude) and only minimal quantities of hydrogen would be privileged by the two men .
At higher altitudes, the atmosphere consists of a dense mist of aerosols, as well as CO2. This is why, according to them, it could well be part of the category of “Super Venus”: a very hot world and muffled by a atmosphere rich in carbon through which it is difficult to see. As it is a novelty, in -depth monitoring and new studies will be necessary to fully unravel the mystery of Enaiposha.