Scientist Bethanie Carney: Worried about Oceana fire smoke

On Monday, large parts of central Gothenburg were covered in thick black smoke when Oceana’s plastic structures caught fire.
And now there is growing concern that the smoke could be dangerous for people.
– Because I know so much about the chemicals, I get worried, says Bethanie Carney Almroth, ecotoxicologist at the University of Gothenburg.

The rescue service is still working at the Oceana adventure pool, which started on fire on Monday. 22 people were injured in the fire and one man is still missing.

At the same time, many Gothenburgers wonder what is actually in the black flakes that are now found in large parts of the central city.

– It was a big fire and there was a lot of smoke. But I probably hadn’t expected that there was so much fallout from the fire. It worries me a little, says Jens Johansson, who lives in Gothenburg.

On Monday 14:02

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May affect health

The concern is shared by Bethanie Carney Almroth, ecotoxicologist at the University of Gothenburg, and one of the country’s leading researchers on health risks with chemical substances.

– Because I know so much about the chemicals, I get worried. Chemicals used in place can affect our health, our hormonal systems. Obesity and diabetes may be partly linked to site chemicals, she says.

– Certain types of cancer and fertility and other types of hormonal systems can also be affected.

On Wednesday, the municipality’s environmental administration sat in meetings to investigate what now needs to be done.

– I think it was a good example of how things can go wrong and how much we don’t know. It really shines a spotlight on all the question marks: What was in these products? What could have come out in this fire? says Bethanie Carney Almroth.
