Science subject for the 2024 brevet: the test and probable subjects

Science subject for the 2024 brevet the test and probable

The science exam for the 2024 brevet will be held this Tuesday, July 2 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. What awaits third-year students on the big day?

Candidates for the national brevet diploma will take the science exam this Tuesday, July 2 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. between the history exam in the morning and the language exam in the second part of the afternoon. The science exam is a little unusual because it includes three subjects: physics-chemistry, SVT and technology education, but students are only asked about two of the three subjects. For this year 2024, the Ministry of National Education, which publishes the two subjects selected for the general and vocational streams in advance of the exams, has decided on physics-chemistry and technology for students in the general series and on SVT and technology for those in the vocational series.

Students in the general stream must revise physics-chemistry and technology for the brevet science exam which will take place on July 2, 2024. As every year, several themes are considered “likely” to be found in the subjects on the day of the exam. However, they do not exempt you from revising the other chapters in the program.

This year, the probable topics for physics and chemistry are: “Organization and transformation of matter”, “Movements and interaction” and “Energy and its conversions”. For technology teaching, the “probable” topics are: “Writing a specification”, “Understanding how a computer network works”, “Writing and executing a program”, “Analyzing how an object works” and “Following the technical evolution of objects and understanding their impacts”.

The science subjects for the brevet des collèges which took place last year are available in full on this page thanks to our partnership with Studyrama. Discover the test that the candidates studied for as well as the answer key for each subject written by a specialist teacher.

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During the science exam for the brevet des collèges, on Tuesday July 2, students in metropolitan France have only one hour to answer all the questions. The subject is made up of two parts, one for each scientific subject, each worth 25 points. Called from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., they will have to work on several exercises to obtain the maximum number of points out of the 50 points that this test can earn.

The brevet science exam is marked out of 50 points each year (25 points per sub-subject), which is less than French and mathematics (100 points), but as much as history-geography. Up to 25 points are therefore to be gained by students per subject. As a reminder, the brevet is marked out of a total of 800 points between continuous assessment, written and oral exams, the dates of which have been staggered according to the establishments until this Friday, July 1st. An average of 400 points is required to obtain the national brevet diploma (DNB) at the end of this course.

The date of publication of the results depends on the academy to which they belong, but they should be available no later than Friday July 12. After the results, a republican ceremony for awarding brevet diplomas is organized at the start of each school year for the winners in their college. The academies, in conjunction with the schools and the elected representatives of the territory – mayors, departmental councilors, etc. – organize, each year, an official award ceremony of the diplomas obtained the previous year.
