Sci-Fi horror with an unbelievable ending, for which there are 5 (!) different interpretations

Sci Fi horror with an unbelievable ending for which there are

More than just action, Tom Cruise starred in 2001’s sci-fi horror Vanilla Sky alongside Cameron Diaz and Penélope Cruz. The exciting and touching film is a remake of the Spanish original Open Your Eyes from 1997. The new edition is coming to TV today.

In Vanilla Sky, Tom Cruise experiences an absolute sci-fi horror nightmare à la Matrix

Vanilla Sky tells the story of David Aames (Tom Cruise), who inherits a million-dollar company after the death of his father and enjoys life to the fullest, preferably with his girlfriend Julie (Camerno Diaz). Things change when he meets Sofia (Penélope Cruz). He falls in love and threatens to lose everything.

Julie dies in a serious accident and David’s face is completely disfigured. As if the shock and loss weren’t big enough, David is shocked to realize that he can no longer trust his mind. His brain plays tricks on him: reality and fiction mix before his eyes.

You can watch the trailer for Vanilla Sky here:

Vanilla Sky – Trailer (German) HD

The end of the film is particularly exciting. Director Cameron Crowe features in the audio commentary on Vanilly Sky as a whole five different interpretations for the events in the final minutes. But first things first: what happens?

Attention, follow spoiler!

Vanilla Sky ending explained: These are the 5 interpretations

As it turns out, David’s body is in cryostasis. It has been frozen for 150 years preserved by the Life Extension company. At the end of Vanilla Sky, David is faced with a choice: either he continues to live this life and withdraws from reality. Or he wakes up and sees the real world around him.

David decides to wake up. In order to complete the process, however, he must fall from the roof of a skyscraper. At that moment, his entire life passed him by. The image turns white. A voice tells him to open his eyes. The last thing we see is his eye widening.

Cameron Crow offers the following possible interpretations of the ending:

  • Everything is true: David took his own life 150 years ago, was revived and frozen by Life Extension. Since then he has been living a dream.
  • Nothing is true: The film is a dream. This is suggested by a sticker on David’s car that says February 30, 2001, which doesn’t exist.
  • The beginning of the movie is real 1: Only after the accident do we enter the dream world, as David is in a comatose state.
  • The beginning of the movie is real 2: Everything that happens after the accident is a hallucination caused by the medication David is taking.
  • The film is a book: The events narrated are the plot of a book being written by David’s best friend, Brian Shelby.
  • Sci-Fi Horror: When will Vanilla Sky with Tom Cruise be on TV?

    Vanilla Sky airs tonight, July 12, 2023, at 11:15 p.m. on ZDFneo. The film has a running time of 125 minutes, which means that it will be broadcast until 1:20 am. If that’s too late for you, you can alternatively watch Vanilla Sky as a subscription to the Paramount + streaming service.

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