Sci-fi horror film unleashes catastrophe after just 7 minutes and from then on it’s breathlessness and heart racing

Sci fi horror film unleashes catastrophe after just 7 minutes and

You know those sci-fi movies and horror works that go into great detail about the plot, cast, and background before the story really gets going? Such a movie is underwater not. Instead, director William Eubank throws you into the sinking after only seven minutes without any preliminary skirmishes and from then on you don’t give yourself any more time to take a deep breath. You can currently experience this on Disney + in the stream *.

Sci-fi horror film Underwater is an ingenious suspense trip to menacing depths

What is Underwater’s sci-fi horror about? Norah Price (Kristen Stewart) works as a mechanical engineer in the year 2050. However, not just anywhere, but in the deep-sea drilling and research station Kepler 822 in the Mariana Trench, that is at a depth of 11 kilometers in the ocean. The pressure down here is enormous and when an earthquake damages the facility, a struggle for survival begins that never ends. Water enters torrents and only an escape pod remains as a way out.


Kristen Stewart in Underwater

Underwater chooses the exciting approach of introducing us to the characters in passing. Everything we learn about the characters we pick up in the whirlpool of panic. Despite (or perhaps because of) this extreme situation, we get to know them well: be it Captain Lucien (Vincent Cassel), biologist Emily (Jessica Henwick), engineer Liam (John Gallagher Jr.) or colleague Rodrigo (Mamoudou Athie).

The oppressive atmosphere of the gloomy ocean location is skilfully transferred to us viewers: Even if there is no action for a short time, it hangs the constant threat of the next catastrophe incessantly in the air and does not let your own heartbeat come to rest.


Face the sci-fi monster alongside Kristen Stewart

Norah, played tough but not unapproachable by Kristen Stewart, always remains the sovereign reference character in this sci-fi adventure. In her, as the emotional core of Underwater, the economic interests of the futuristic employer Tian Industries and the personal sacrifices directly experienced converge. For better or for worse, we have to use it to plunge down to greater and greater depths… and find that there is pressure and lack of oxygen are not the only thing lurking on the sea floor as a deadly threat. It is not for nothing that the additional German title is “It awakens”.



What exactly this “it” is, you have to find out for yourself at the end of the sci-fi excursion Underwater on Disney +. But if you love suspense, action and horror and also have a stable heart, that 95 minutes of high tension easily withstands, should not reject the trip into the depths.

Sci-Fi Movies Podcast: 10 Streaming Tips on Netflix, Amazon & Disney+

If you are looking for even more sci-fi films to stream, in this issue we present 10 film tips that should inspire fans of Matrix, Inception, Dune & Co.

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It doesn’t matter whether it’s an insider tip, a classic or a personal favourite: With the various streaming services you can discover fantastic sci-fi films ranging from dystopia to alien invasions, time loops or alien planets.

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