Sci-Fi cult with one of the best film titles of all time appears as an exclusive media book

Sci Fi cult with one of the best film titles of

The title alone is already an absolute cult. Killer Klowns from Outer Space is one of the gems of the 80s movie and delivers exactly what the cover promises: an invasion of deadly aliens who look like clowns. The audience in particular has a lot to laugh about here, because the brightly colored sci-fi horror comedy is full of handmade effects and lovingly designed equipment.

Killer Klowns from Outer Space will be released in the fall exclusively at Amazon in an extremely chic media book. You can currently pre-order it.

Exclusively at Amazon: The new Blu-ray media book for the sci-fi cult film

Killer Klowns From Outer Space – Trailer (English)

“In Space no one can eat ice cream!” is the grandiose tagline of Stephen Chiodo’s Killer Klowns from 1988. Obviously, fun is a top priority here. This also goes with the stylish cover for the new media book, which will be available exclusively from online retailer Amazon on November 10th. There have been Blu-ray media books of the clown hit in the past, but they are now out of print. the new edition based on the 4K master of the film and consists of a Blu-ray, a film DVD and a bonus DVD.

Extras include audio commentary, casting auditions, outtakes, storyboards, deleted scenes, multiple featurettes and interviews with the cast. You can pre-order the Mediabook here for EUR 27.99:

© Koch Films

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

What is Killer Klowns from Outer Space about?

In Space Invaders, a flaming comet lands in the middle of the forest. However, Mike and Debbie don’t find a crater at the impact site, but a colorful, glowing circus tent. Inside, the horror awaits them, because the tent is an alien spaceship and the aliens, who look like clowns, are after people who wrap them in cotton candy and eat them.

Without mercy, the killer clowns invade the nearby village and procure human food supplies. Only policeman Dave recognizes the danger and takes up the fight against the colorful invaders together with Debbie and Mike. There’s a big showdown at the amusement park…

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