Sci-Fi Carnage used 2,500 liters of fake blood

Sci Fi Carnage used 2500 liters of fake blood

You won’t find a film with more gore this year. South Korean sci-fi actioner Project Wolf Hunting boasts that it has consumed around 2,500 liters of fake blood and has a body count that is skyrocketing. There is no time for a complex story in the ruthless flick, which transfers the plot from Con Air to a ship and combines it with a superhumanly strong killing machine that flattens everything that gets in its way.

Project Wolf Hunting was released in German home cinema today, May 5th, uncut and in a limited Mediabook edition.

Project Wolf Hunting as a limited media book*


To the deal

This is what awaits you in Project Wolf Hunting

The initial idea of ​​Project Wolf Hunting is the transport of 47 criminals in a cargo ship. The most ruthless criminals overwhelm their guards and take them out one by one. However, neither cops nor gangsters suspect that the ship is carrying a top-secret superweapon.

Check out the trailer here:

Project Wolf Hunting – Trailer (German) HD

In the belly of the ship lies a zombie soldier named Alpha (Gwi-hwa Choi), who also overwhelms his guards. Alpha is a mix of Frankenstein and the T-1000 from Terminator. He leaves a trail of blood through the ship.

Project Wolf Hunting has its lengths and just ends with a somewhat inflated storyline. But before that he entertains with a never-ending carnage between cops and gangsters, gangsters and gangsters and cops, gangsters and battle zombies. Director Kim Hong-sun and his team competently direct the action in the tightest of spaces, in cabins, corridors and the engine room. In addition to the use of artificial blood, the explicit broken bones and flesh wounds, the ruthless hardness of the action film is particularly impressive.

The sci-fi carnage appears in these editions

Capelight has brought Project Wolf Hunting to Germany and is bringing the film to home cinema in a limited edition media book. The Mediabook offers the film on Blu-ray and DVD with two featurettes and a 24-page booklet. For 31.99 euros, the good piece is yours.

The film is also available on DVD for just under 17 euros.

Project Wolf Hunting has received a seal of approval from the SPIO/JK test with the reassuring conclusion “Not a serious danger to young people”. If that doesn’t make you want to watch…

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