School, we leave without 500 principals and 2,000 DSGAs: Udir raises the alarm

School Council of State confirms the right of teachers card

(Finance) – “We return to class not only with many teachers and precarious Ata: the school year is starting even without 500 tenured school principals and almost 2 thousand Directors of general and administrative services “.

This was the alarm raised during the training workshop on “PNRR and investment lines”, which took place in Rome, organized by the trade union Heard in collaboration with the Eurosophy training institute. Among the priorities of use of European funds for recovery and resilience, recalled Marcello Pacifico, Udir national president, “there is a need to recover almost 4,000 decommissioned presidential offices and to engage an additional staff”. But also to stabilize in the roles “hundreds of school leaders and one in four DSGAs, all essential figures for implementing the reforms of the NRP”.

According to President Udir it will therefore be “It is important to spend the money from the NRP to enhance the figures of public management and the school manager: concrete answers are needed to be able to make the most of these state resources. The point is that the staff cannot be exploited without being incentivized. Certainly, the European funding from the NRP will also serve a “to improve our classrooms, the laboratories of our institutes, the development of digital technology and in general to provide opportunities for developing the school of autonomy”.
