(Finance) – Like every end of the year it’s time to take stock: the young managers’ union Udir takes stock of 2024, a year full of battlesof proposals for improvements and amendments to legislative provisions. “We are ready to fight in all the appropriate places to request the valorisation of one of the most important figures in the world of schools. The head teacher carries our institutes forward, despite the problems and accusations that fall against him”, he comments Marcello Pacificonational president of Udir.
The year passed with many battles won and others started. In JanuaryUDIR requests extension ATA personnel contracts funded by law, 100% compensation of the project manager e confirms holders in the 185 presidency offices of the sized schools saved by the regions for the next school year only.
In the month of FebruaryUdir welcomed the news of theopening of trade union negotiations of 17 January 2024 in view of renewal of the CCNL “Education and Research” area for the three-year period 2019/2021, which has already expired, which particularly affects the School management.
TO Marchare being examined by the V Budget Commission of the Chamber of Deputies amendments to the PNRR Decree. Of interest for the school world is article 14 which contains the amendments suggested by ANIEF and of interest already raised by the young union.
In the month of Aprilthe school director Serenella Varrese, in an interview, he talked about his own candidacy for the CSPI declaring: “We must restore dignity to this role: a principal can make a difference”.
In May, the President Pacific complains: “Once again, given the inertia of the unions signing the contract, the legislator must intervene to continue to authorize hiring on 100% of the positions as requested and obtained in the past by #UDIR. The announcement from Minister Valditara is welcome the rules will need to be changed in the future in negotiations without having to resort to the legislator”.
In June, it ended the hearing in the Houseat the Culture Commission, as part of the examination of the draft law on sports, educational support for pupils with disabilities for the regular start of the 2024/2025 school year and on university and research. For Udir in audition Lilla Brunodelegate and school manager, who talks about extraordinary mobility of school leaders, of recruitment of the staff and assessment And remuneration of school leaders.
In July, E-sofia continues its training and information action dedicated to school staff who find themselves constantly facing new challenges, new operating methods, the management of schools is constantly evolving and often school secretaries navigate by sight without yet having clear and complete instructions that take all procedures into account.
August is noted failure to hire principals after the amnesty desired by Parliament on the pending litigation, the blocking of the hiring procedure linked to the 2017 competition course for school managers and the renewal of school managers’ contract, with increases slightly higher than those of the Dsga, no progress on equalisation, mobility constraints, responsibility and valorisation
September opens with a new possible increase in FUN awaiting the publication of the CDS ruling on the UDIR appeal against the reduction in recent years. There is a lot of school in the amendments to the Omnibus law decree being examined by Palazzo Madama (double recruitment channel, mobility without blocks and constraints of permanent school staff, the Ata Pnrr staff to be confirmed, the new rules to strengthen support for pupils with disabilities, but also to introduce middle management also among school staff and extend the teaching period abroad).
In the month of OctoberThe tax law decree increases the National Single Fund by three million euroswhich increases the variable part of the salary of school managers: the decision comes while awaiting the outcome of the appeal presented by UDIR and discussed in the Council of State, which will evaluate the request for the illegitimacy of the 30% reduction applied in recent years by the Ministry of ‘Economy and Finance and therefore the request of the UDIR union to distribute up to 25 thousand in arrears to the school managers who have lodged a specific appeal.
TO NovemberUDIR asks to increase the single national fund for the financing of positional and performance remuneration of school managers with a total sum of 6 million euros.
December it’s the month of initiatives to unlock increases for the DS, with a warning to stop the prescription by December 20th. The. is held in Brussels CESI “Independent Trade Unions” Congress: the Confedir and Udir motion was approved which calls for common rules for retirement and the protection of benefits accrued in every European country and in particular in Italy