School, the “window” for ATA precarious insertion in the 24-month rankings is imminent

School the window for ATA precarious insertion in the 24 month

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The opening of the “window” is imminent – from April 27 to May 18 – for the insertion and updating of the 24-month ATA rankings useful for annual substitutes and role entries. It is a competition for titles onlylaunched through a regional tender.

The instances must be completed and sent via the POLIS web service – On Line Presentation of the Requests of the Ministry of Education and Merit. THE announcements for the first-level ATA staff rankings are addressed to various figures: School collaborators (janitors); School collaborators Farm workers; Administrative Assistants; Technical Assistants; cooks; Wardrobes; nurses. The offices of the ANIEF trade union are available for the usual collaboration.

“As an Anief union we believe that the ATA personnel ordinance needs to be reviewed,” he says Marcellus Pacificuspresident of the young union, adding “let’s consider iniquitous the fact that the ATA staff cannot freely choose the province in which to submit the application for inclusion in the rankings. We also believe and continue to point out that the salaries of ATA personnel are among the lowest in the entire public sector and that there is a need for a re-evaluation of the compensation assigned in the entire school sector”.
