School, State Council plenary meeting confirms validity of qualifications obtained abroad

School State Council plenary meeting confirms validity of qualifications obtained

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The plenary meeting of the Council of State with sentence n° 22 of 29 December 2022 has established compliance with the European Directive No. 36/2005, definitively recognizing the validity of the titles of specialization on support taken in Romania and the enabling value for teaching purposes.

A sentence that the magazine Edscuola considers “of great significance” because it confirms the gjurisprudence of the European Court of Justice and re-establishes compliance with the principles of the European Directive on the mobility of professions and therefore the right to freedom of movement and establishment envisaged by the Treaties.

The union Anief he had asked already in recent days to the minister Giuseppe Valditara to amend the point of the Ordinance ministerial which prevents the recruitment from the GPS of the personnel who have applied for the recognition of qualifications and to speed up, within certain times, the evaluation procedures for these qualifications.

With this purpose, the president of the union Marcellus Pacificus, a few months ago, he went to Romania to explore the issue, visiting the universities and trade unions in the country. Likewise, the union had in the past filed an appeal for the non-consideration of qualifications obtained abroad, starting with the a priori exclusion of precarious workers from the GPS.

“Now, after the pronouncement of the Plenary Meeting of the Council of State, our constant requests on the full validity of qualifications obtained abroad by our teachers they demand an urgent response by those who govern the country and those who manage the fate of the Italian School”, remarks Pacifico, who has always supported the validity of the qualifications on support obtained abroad.
