It was Wednesday that 17-year-old Solomon Henderson fired ten shots in the cafeteria at Antioch High School in Nashville. He shot dead a 16-year-old girl and injured another student before taking his own life.
Parts of the deed were broadcast by the perpetrator, Confirm The Australian streaming platform kick.
Police in Nashville Now investigates a 51 -page long manifesto that is suspected to have been published by the shooter before the deed occurred. The manifesto, which SVT has taken part in, was published by an anonymous account on the platform X. Something that was noticed by it independent research BX.
The manifesto begins with the description that it is dedicated to “accelerationism” – a violent ideology that wants to create radical change by speeding up what the supporters see as the ongoing social collapse. This is to be achieved by spreading chaos and diluting divisions, for example through acts of violence.
Language use is also characterized by Nazi ideas and hatred for minorities. But also self -contempt against the author’s own ethnicity.
Were inspired by past acts of violence
The manifesto mentions a number of names of people as the author says has inspired him. This includes Brenton Tarrant, the man who shot 51 people in a mosque in New Zealand.
The writer also claims to be inspired by the “new generation”, and mentions the name of the Swedish perpetrator in Stockholm, a then 14-year-old boy who last year stabbed two people in Hässelby and who according to a previous review of SVT is linked to the sadistic internet group 764.
The author also links to his social media, including a now deleted Youtube channel. The account description includes: “Free Slain Free Tobbz” – both references to 764. Slain is the alias that the perpetrator in Hässelby used and “Tobbz” is a reference to another 764 member who in 2022 knife-murdered a woman in Romania.
The manifesto also mentions other school shooters such as Samantha Rupnow, who murdered a teacher and student at her school in Wisconsin before taking her own life.