School, precariousness is rampant with 268,000 substitutes. Anief: boomerang for the state

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(Tiper Stock Exchange) – With over 268,000 substitutes, precariousness is rampant in Italian schools, confirming what the Anief trade union has long denounced. The fixed-term contracts signed up to 5 November 2023 by the Ministry of Education and Merit are 217,693 only for teachers, of which 46,604 up to 31 August 2023 and 14,220 for support, while 50,082 are substitutes for ATA staff, of which 13,901 are annual ( 525 for substitute educators of which 331 as at 31 August).

“What makes the situation of the school substitute even heavier is the fact that all precarious workers cannot obtain the seniority steps, instead provided for by the contract for permanent staff, nor the Teachers Card, the annual bonus of 500 euros. Furthermore, only 20% of them have the summer months of July and August paid”, he comments Marcellus PacificusPresident of Anief.

“All of this is initially convenient for the State – underlines the trade unionist – because it ensures significant cost savings. But since this occurs in clear violation of the Community rules on equal treatment between fixed-term and permanent staff, in the long run it proves to be a boomerang with clear damage We need to put an end to these abuses: we need an extraordinary plan of employment and compensation in the courts”.

THE short and occasional alternatesthen, they are not paid not even the accessory salary and more and more are starting a appeal: every day Anief brings home around twenty favorable judgments obtained in courts throughout Italy by its lawyers just to recover the denied ancillary salary; as well as the convictions of the Ministry on the assignment of the are no longer counted 500 euro teacher card and the recovery of seniority increments deniedwith thousands of euros in compensation for each lawsuit won.

To try and put a twist on this, Anief illustrated the solution last Tuesday to the Cabinet Office of the Ministry of Education: deserve to stabilize the precarious through the use of double channel of recruitmentalso to meet the PNRR target of hiring 70,000 teachers within the next year, without exceptions.

“Our proposal – Spiga Pacifico – acts on the change in the management of the transitional phase expected until the 2024/2025 school year in the recruitment of teachers, considering that 55% of the positions authorized after the adoption of the Reform, Investment Line 1.4, remained unassigned in the current school year”.

Over the past six years the teaching staff with fixed-term contracts it doubledcurrently holds 20% of the professorships used for the ordinary functioning of the school year. This happens, despite the warnings of the European institutions: infringement procedure pending by the European Commission, the complaint accepted by the European Committee of Social Rights and the recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
