School platform to be reviewed after the leak

School platform to be reviewed after the leak

Published: Just now

full screen The Swedish Privacy Protection Agency is to investigate the leak on the school platform Vklass. Archive image. Photo: IMY

A large number of municipalities were affected by a leak in the Vklass school platform earlier this autumn. The incident will now be investigated by the Swedish Privacy Protection Agency (IMY).

IMY has received around 60 notifications of personal data incidents from schools and municipalities. According to the reports, someone must have downloaded personal data about school students and teachers from the Vklass platform.

“A basic principle in the data protection regulation is that both personal data controllers and personal data assistants must protect the personal data they process, for example so that unauthorized persons do not gain access to it. We are now starting a review of the learning platform to investigate the incident that occurred,” says Katarina Bengtsson, IT and information security specialist at IMY, in a press release.

– It is very sad and very serious that information has been leaked. We have done everything in our power and informed all our customers, even those who were not affected by the leak, said Andreas Selling, CEO of Vklass, to TT when the leak was discovered in September.

According to the company, Vklass is Sweden’s most used learning platform. However, not all customers were affected by the leak.
