School, Pacifico (Anief): it is necessary to eradicate substitute teaching

Teacher Substitutions 2024 Towards Another Record For Anief We Risk

(Finance) – “There are many emergencies; in the meantime it would be necessary to start the extension of the additional PNRR staff, in addition to putting an end to the constraints that do not allow full mobility”. This was stated by Marcello Pacifico (Anief) in reference to the Omnibus Decree. “The precariousness issue in our schools is truly tragic, also due to some wrong choices made in the past at European level – he underlined -. An example is that relating to recruitment: it was decided to resume the path taken with the Buona scuola, with three competitions in three years to resolve the problem of precariousness. While the first competition was announced but has not yet taken place throughout Italy, many eligible candidates are not hired in the merit rankings”.

“Then there is the issue of double recruitment – ​​which in the past allowed us to avoid condemnation by the European Commission for abuse of fixed-term contracts – this year is active only for support teachers, whose category is also 50% precarious. The combination of these factors has led, in the last ten years, to a 200% increase in precariousness”, added the independent trade unionist.
