School, long-term precarious worker obtains maximum compensation of 32,000 euros in Enna

Education vertical progressions Confrontation between administration and unions closed

(Finance) – One week from referral of Italy to the EU Court of Justice due to the abuse of fixed-term contracts, the first court decisions of working with significant damage compensation in favor of the temporary workers who have appealed. One of these was produced by Court of Ennawhere the judge first applied the Legislative Decree Save Infractions 2024which doubled from 12 to 24 months the maximum compensation recognizable in Italy, guaranteeing the recurring teacher 14 salaries, for a total compensation in his favor by approximately 32,000 euros.

“The one that comes from Enna, sentence no. 471/2024, represents an important victory for the teacher who has received justice and the compensation he deserves”, states the president of Anief Marcello Pacificospeaking yes a “sentence symbol which confirms the goodness of the work of the Anief lawyers always aimed at greater protection of the rights of the members registered with our young trade union organisation”.

“These sentences are welcome – he states – our lively hope is that they multiply, because this would do well to make our action in court appeals even more incisive until finally producing a law that allows hiring a GPS role for all competition classes, therefore via dual channeland the transformation of all de facto or derogatory staff positions into de jure positions useful to stabilizations”.

“The point is not to understand whether or not the shameful record of 250 thousand substitute teachers per year will be exceeded this year too, but to understand whether Italy’s referral to the European Court of Justice, due to the continuing violation of European legislation on fixed-term work, fruit of 14 years of battles carried out by Anief, produce those legislative results in defense of precarious workers as soon as possible that we all expect“, concludes the trade unionist.
