School harassment: what to remember from the plan announced by the government

School harassment what to remember from the plan announced by

The government announced this Wednesday, September 27, its interministerial plan to fight against school bullying, “absolute priority” for the start of the school year for Elisabeth Borne. Bullying at school, which in France affects one in ten students, is at the heart of the news at the start of the school year after a new tragedy, the suicide of young Nicolas, 15, who killed himself in Poissy. Elisabeth Borne thus called for “general mobilization” in the fight against harassment, and promised that the government would lead “a relentless fight” against this “massive phenomenon”. Dedicated brigades in rectorates, confiscation of cell phones in serious cases, empathy courses… L’Express takes stock of the measures announced by the government.

“Exclude harassing students from social networks”

Elisabeth Borne announced that she wanted to be able to “exclude harassing students from social networks” in order to fight against cyberbullying. If the Prime Minister did not give more details, this measure should be integrated into the “provisions currently debated in Parliament, as part of the bill to regulate and secure the digital space”.

Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate in charge of digital transition and telecommunications, added that he wanted to allow judges to sentence a perpetrator of harassment toadditional penalty of banning social networks” of six months. A measure which could be implemented by a judge of detention and freedoms or an investigating judge “as part of a judicial review, i.e. “to say without waiting until the end of the investigation”.

“Systematic” referral to the prosecutor in the event of a report

Another announcement: “referral to the prosecutor will now be systematic in the event of a report of harassment” explained Elisabeth Borne this Wednesday, in particular through the creation of “a dedicated platform between National Education and Justice”. The Prime Minister also added that she wanted “a systematic referral to prosecutors for complaints”.

The possibility of “permanent confiscation” of the cell phone

The Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti also spoke this Wednesday, to announce that the juvenile court could now trigger the “final confiscation” of the cell phone in cases of cyberharassment. In “the most serious facts”, this seizure would be “automatic”, particularly if the mobile phone was “used to commit acts of harassment”, specified the Minister of Justice.

A “cell dedicated to harassment” in each rectorate

As part of this plan, Gabriel Attal announced the opening of a “cell dedicated to harassment” in each rectorate. The Minister of National Education specified that it would concern “several people dedicated and 100% trained on the issue of harassment”, who “travel within educational establishments” in order to try to resolve specific cases. The objective stated by the new minister is to “put more people in the academies”.

“Empathy lessons” at school from 2024

This was also a desire of Gabriel Attal. The new Minister of National Education announced the establishment of “empathy courses” at school from the start of the school year in January 2024. Based on the Danish model in particular, they should for the moment concern “a pilot school by department”, in order to teach the youngest to listen to each other and to encourage the development of solidarity between them.

3018, “single reporting number”

The government has decided to make 3018, the emergency help number currently dedicated to cyberharassment, the single reporting number, compared to two numbers currently (3020 for families and victims, and 3018 specifically for cyberharassment). This will also be accompanied by an application.

At the same time, the government also announced the establishment of an annual “self-assessment grid” for all students from CE2 to 3rd grade, in order to “enable cases of harassment to be identified and to intervene quickly” , specified Elisabeth Borne.
