School employee target in the gang conflict in Norrköping

The gang conflict has escalated in recent weeks, and several acts of violence have been committed against relatives of people in the criminal environment.

One of the relatives singled out as a target is an employee at a school in Norrköping.

– It is information that came to us from our security department, says Ester Alavei to TV4 Nyheterna. .

According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, the employee must be connected to a person who is involved in the ongoing conflict within the criminal Foxtrot network. It is said to be a relative of one of the arrested Swedes in Turkey who is suspected of being part of a breakaway group that planned to assassinate the Foxtrot leader Rawa Majid, better known as the “Kurdish Fox”.

In addition to that, another relative of the school employee recently had his apartment fired upon in a high-profile act of violence in which two women and a man were arrested on Monday.

The school employee is not himself a criminal, but has relatives who are connected to the gangs.

TV4 Nyheterna has searched for the school employee, but without success.

Today 15:04

“At home as long as the threat remains”

Taken out of service

Due to the threat, the employee at the school in Norrköping has been taken out of service until further notice, says the director of education, Ester Alavei.

– For us, the most important thing is the safety of the children and the safety of the staff. For that reason, we have decided this as long as that threat remains, she says.

– We are investigating what we can do from a municipal perspective, she says.

She does not want to go into more detail about which school the person works at, but says that the employee works with children and young people in the municipality.

– I do not go into individual personnel matters, but it is an employee in our municipality in the education administration.

The person is in a “shocking situation”, she says.

– We must not forget that that person is one of our employees. The person’s work environment and well-being are the municipality’s responsibility, just like all our other employees.

Worried parents

Education director Ester Alavei says that the municipality has a close dialogue with the police regarding the threat picture.

– The municipality has close cooperation with the police. Partly about the safety of this employee, but also about the whole wave of violence in our municipality.

The director of education understands the worried parents who have their children at the school, and believes that this is something new for the municipality. But at the same time emphasizes that there is no threat to the municipality.

– I fully understand that guardians are worried. This is new to all of us. I understand that it creates concern.

– But what I say to the guardians is that there is no threat to us as a municipality, to our children or schools.
